This project began as a way for me to express my frustrations about the economic crisis. I decided to research current corporate accounting scandals as well as famous scandals from the past and came up with a quite list.

I know we live in a capitalist society and that does seem to make the world work but when greed takes over and is the only force behind a company, then I see a problem. At times, it seems as though we have lost the human element in favor of the bottom line.

 Poster can be purchased here.

- Accounting Scandals

- The Corporate Scandal Sheet

- Top 100 Corporate Criminals of the 90's

- Corporate Crime Reporter

- Count 'Em: 63 CFOs Convicted in Past Five Years

- Maryland Law University

- Top 10 White-Collar Criminals in Jail

- The Corporation Documentary

Please note: I actually created this before the Occupy Wall Street movement